Hey guys, Ashley here. As many of you know, a blog is a huge time commitment and unless you have a tripod with a self timer, taking pictures without someone there to take them for you is extremely difficult. Because of these reasons, for the time being at least, Dresden is taking a break from the blog. I will miss her around here but understand her reasons completely! Come visit me at Style Me Simple where I hope I get to feature Dres from time to time!
Catch ya on the flip side!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011

So.. It's finally arrived- the post about Coachella. I'm so very sorry it took me almost two weeks to get going. My friend and I took pictures every day (Fri, Sat and Sun) and I got in a few of some innocent bistanders. While everyone was enjoying the experience, I didn't want to interrupt them and ask them what inspired their outfit. So we're just going to have to look and wonder. There were many ensembles- most of them involved the least amount of clothes possible to keep cool in the 95 degree weather. Most males wore swim trunks or shorts without tee shirts. Most females wore bikini tops, short shorts or dresses. The hair was anywhere from intricate headdressses to easy ponytails. My friend and I were two of a big handful of people with fannypacks. (Better than last year!) There were less rompers this year, I noticed. Is that profound? I'm not sure... but he's what we wore and here are a few pictures of what we saw.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sprinkles and Scissors
Top: Bailey, Shorts: Thrifted, Shoes: O'Neil
I bought these shorts at Goodwill for like, $3. My fist Goodwill purchase. I paired them with my Bailey shirt because it was right in front in my closet and I didn't have a lot of time to get dressed. Very well thought out, as you can see. I'm not sure if I'll get dressed tomorrow, much past the extent of a royal blue one-piece swimsuit and black mesh shorts anyway. That's right... a one-piece AND mesh shorts. Be jealous, be very jealous.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Coachella will come, D.C. for now
I will post the Coachella pictures soon! But for now, this is an outfit I wore on a day in Washington D.C. that was... actually, pretty cold and rainy. It's kind of funny that I rather freeze than wear a jacket. I am not a big fan. I almost wore tights, too, but decided that since my bff was going out in bare legs, I would too. We talk each other into things like that. This day we went to Chesapeake Bay in Maryland to look for shark teeth in the sand. Yes, literally that's what we did. We also went to a cool restaurant on the bayfront for some drinks.
Top: Pac Sun
Skirt: American Apparel
Shoes and socks: Urban Outfitters
Sweater: Express
April Showers
Top: Gap, Shorts: Target, Scarf: Gap, Watch: Fossil, Shoes: Macy's
Oh, so our apartment has these red gnat things. I think Matt killed like, 10 this morning. They hang out by our trash and in our bathroom. I read that they fly in when we open the door. Not cool, gnats. Not cool at all. I currently have a bottle of red wine open with only two inches of wine in the bottom to catch them. It's been out 1.5 hours and there are already 4 of those suckers in there. Die, gnats! Die, die die!
Anyway, I really like khaki and light purple purple together, therefore, putting the shorts and shirt together was easy. I needed some type of accessory, so I figured a light scarf would do the trick. Throw on some flip flops, a watch and earrings and you have yourself an outfit. At least, that's what I tell myself.
I have about an hour and 45 minutes to kill before work, I think I'm going to eat... and nap. A nap sounds nice.
Does anyone else have a gnat problem? What do you do to kill the red devils?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Oh, Happy Day!
Dress: J. Crew, Belt: J. Crew, Necklace: Anthropologie, Shoes: Katie and Kelly
Happy Easter (Even though it's almost over)! I loooooove Easter. Not because of candy, bunnies, eggs (I don't like eggs anyway), jelly beans or Peeps, but because without it, everything I believe and have faith in would be irrelevant.
Today we went to church and then to my grandmother's for an Easter celebration/April birthday celebration. We didn't get to stay too long since I had to work at 3pm and Matt at 4pm, but it's always nice to be able to celebrate with family... though holidays do make me miss our immediate families and our old church though. (Hi, mom! Happy Easter!)
I bought this dress for my bridal shower and that's the only time I've ever worn it. I guess I should change that because I really like the dress, especially the color. I'm a sucker for pink, what can I say? I kept it simple because 1, I wanted to be comfortable, and 2, the dress doesn't really need to much. It's a pretty dress on it's own.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Shirt: Gran's Closet, Shorts: GAP, Shoes: Katie & Kelly, Necklace: My mother's
Well friends, two posts in one day. I told you I would make up for the lack of posts this past week. Matt and I just got back from dinner with one of the funniest couples EVER. Her name is Ashley, which makes her instantly awesome and his name is Jason, which isn't a terrible name, so that makes him awesome too. We ate dinner at Pei Wei (otherwise known as Pee Wee to Ashley) and had some frozen yogurt afterwards. I had thin mints. Pure heaven I tell you.
I like this outfit. The shirt I took from Gran's closet and still haven't given it back, and the shorts are from GAP. It's hard to tell, but they're more of a mauve color in real life. So they aren't so purple that I look like I'm part of the Red Hat Society, but they give my outfit a bit of color blocking. I added the belt because I thought it needed something in the middle, and decided to try to class it up a bit with some pearls. Instant outfit right there. Oh, and we took pictures in a book store because the books told me they needed some showcasing. Books love to be showcased.
PS. You might notice my hair is different. It's darker. It'll lighten up to the point of it being my natural color... hopefully. Then, I won't have to dye it anymore, hooray! That makes my poor hair happy and our bank account even happier.
Dress: Anthropologie, Shoes: Katie and Kelly, Watch: Fossil, Belt: J. Crew, Earrings: Anthropologie
Also, the job I was talking about. I start training on Saturday. I'll be working at Aqua-Tots teaching swimming lessons to kiddos. I'm pretty excited about it, actually. Today I have to go buy an athletic one-piece swimsuit... I can't remember the last time I wore a one-piece. I'm pretty sure that athletic one-pieces are built with women who have no boobs in mind, so it should be pretty interesting to see what it does to mine. I'm just imagining them being squished to death. Sorry in advance, ta-tas.
Today Matt and I both have the day off. It's a miracle. So we're going to lounge around, go to Academy, go meet some friends for Pei-Wei tonight and then top it off with some frozen yogurt and perhaps going to a pub in Cedar Park. I love days like today!
To the outfit... I love this dress. I got it on sale at Anthropologie a while ago. And by sale I mean still more than I would pay at any other stores. It's pathetic, really. The dress has the lace detail, so I wanted to keep the rest of it pretty simple. I think it worked out. What wasn't working out you ask? The wind. Just ask these pictures:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Shirt: GAP, Skirt: GAP, Necklace: Custom, Sandals: O'Neill
I'm getting a second job. Take that Sallie Mae, I'll get you paid off in no time! It has to do with tots. I'll tell you more later, don't worry. Though I just realized that that means I'll get dressed even less than I do now. Hmmm. Anyone want to start being a guest blogger? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Today I went to Buffalo Exchange where they chopped the 80 something dollars they'll sell my clothes for (even though I know I paid more than $50 for at least one shirt) into $28.80 cash. Lame. They didn't want all of my clothes (ah hem, Gap. Stop putting dates in your clothing!) so I'm going to try taking some to Plato's Closet sometime soon. From there, the day got just slightly more interesting. We went to my future work place and I observed for a bit, then, as she was leaving, Bailey backed into a car at the same time that I had an impromptu interview. Don't worry, she's okay! Post interview, Matt and I went to the gym and did legs. I'm hurting. I'm now here, sitting on the couch and Matt's in the room playing some game. Huh. Maybe that's not more interesting... at all.
I scream "GAP" today, which is funny because in Buffalo Exchange the employee's outfits scream, "I'M HIPSTER AND AM SO MUCH COOLER THAN YOU." Pfft. Though I do have to say being down by the UT campus made me kinda wish I went to a big university (other than the fact that I wouldn't have met Matt. Though I could have met another husband... jk, jk, people!) because of how freaking awesome it is to have so many stores so close to you, and people walking around that you don't know and actually having a reason to bike around campus. So cool.
As I sit here typing, I just realized I should shower... but I now have a problem. That problem is the glass of wine sitting in front of me that's saying, "No, don't shower! Drink me! Drink me nowwwww." What to do?! Okay, wine, you win. Because when I don't drink wine, I try to climb trees and trust me, no one wants to see that happen:
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Shirt: Gran's Closet, Pants: Gap, Belt: J. Crew, Necklace: Anthropologie, Shoes: Katie and Kelly
I was probably the brightest dressed person at the show last night. It made it very easy for Matt to find me if he went to the restroom. I considered wearing a dress yesterday, but I'm glad I didn't. It was pretty windy and did get a bit chilly by the end of the show.
In honor of his birthday, here are some reasons I love Matthew James:
1. He does things to keep me from leaving. Example: He'll turn on an episode of Breaking Bad so I have to stay with him at least 45 more minutes before leaving.
2. He can tell when my purse is bugging me and he'll happily hold it for me. That's true love.
3. He says our prayers at night before we go to bed.
4. He's really cute in the morning with his hair sticking up all over the place.
5. He'll hug me whenever I want a hug.
ALSO: If you want to see video of Coheed from last night, here is Time Consumer (I love not having to take my own video at shows these days!)
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